The Esoteric Order of Dagon is an international occult Order of practicing magicans, dreamers and artists who work with the Mythos of H.P. Lovecraft toward practical initiatory and artistic ends. We are working with the Yog-Sothothian current. You can read our definition of this current in the [Manifesto of Yog-Sothothery]. We are not a "club" or simply another mythos-related social media group. Several other groups have used the name Esoteric Order of Dagon for various reasons over the years, but we have NO affiliation with any of them. We are our own thing and will so remain. We have selected to use the abbreviation E.O.D. to distinguish us from others. Our Order has existed over four decades. You can read more about our history on our [HISTORY] page. Most of our members personal and initiatory work is done outside the confines of the Internet. The E.O.D. never actively searches for members. Those who hear the call are expected to approach us and ask about membership. Read more about that process on our [FAQ] page.
The Orders name is derived from the story 'The Shadow Over Innsmouth' (acronym SOI) written by H.P Lovecraft in November–December 1931. This story also outlines our alchemical path of inner development. Lovecraft's Mythos is our primary source of inspiration. Other influences for us are, for example, mythology, like the Apkallu/Abgal myths and what is written about the Sumerian gods Enki/Ea (a.k.a Dagon), and of course alchemy and other esoteric teachings, science, and much more.